Registration - Sitting Pretty Babysitters
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    Please register your details with us so we can understand your requirements.

    * indicates required field

    Your Name*

    Last Name*

    Partners First Name, Last Name


    Home Phone Number

    Mobile Phone Number*

    Other Phone Numbers

    Email Address

    Childrens Names and their DOB's

    Special Requirements (if needed)

    Do you have any pets.*

    Child has any allergies ?

    What is your nearest tube station?*

    Your First Booking

    If you have any specific dates in mind when you need a babysitter please let us know. .


    Start Time*

    End Time*

    Where did you hear about us?

    Word of mouthGoogle/AdwordsLocal AdvertisingFacebook advertSocial MediaOther.

    I / we agree to abide by the terms stipulated in the Sitting Pretty
    Terms of Use